2016-2017 FRC TEAM 1596
FRC TEAM 1596 The Instigators 2017-2016
2016-2017 FIRST Robotics Season
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SVSU April 12th-15th, 2017
US FIRST in Michigan Robotics Competition
95th/451 Michigan TEAMS
Lake Superior State University March 31st, April 1st
Click on link below and then Click on a video until you are watching LSSU Live Feed
TEAM 1596 March 16th 17th 18th
11th out of 39 robots
Went to playoffs
Ended @ Quarter Finals
US FIRST in Michigan Sault High @ Escanaba High School
FRC USFIRST Robotics USFirst Site
Marcia Sgriccia
904 Marquette Ave
Sault High & Career Center
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 49783
Contact Information
Ms. Marcia Sgriccia
- Email: msgriccia@eupschools.org
- Phone: 906-635-3839 Ext. 5756